Bright Parts Therapy & Counseling
Therapy for Adults and Young Adults
We contain so many different parts—some parts we openly share and some parts we choose to keep closer.
Embracing the full spectrum of our being can be both liberating and overwhelming. It can be scary to come in contact with elements of ourselves that feel unfamiliar, but the right therapeutic relationship can help define, hold and care for these parts.
I see the therapy space as alive—it moves, changes, and grows. It is something to be nurtured, tended to and adapted with. The way I approach sessions is collaborative and affirming. It is important my clients know that all their different parts are welcome and bring value to our work together.
I am so glad you are here :)
I’m Sarah (she/her) and I am a licensed psychotherapist and counselor, and a certified clinical supervisor. I am so glad that you landed here and are curious about my practice.
“Aha” moments in therapy
Dynamic and impactful therapy values curiosity, exploration and discovery.
Many clients experience “aha” moments in therapy sessions. Some folks describe these moments as pieces of a puzzle clicking into place or a lightbulb turning on. Sometimes it is described as finally putting the right words to something, showing up like a pleasant surprise or even like a deep sigh of relief.
I love these types of moments in my work with clients. They leave me more curious, invigorated and inspired.